乾 広輔 より、It痴 said that young people in Japan are forgetting writing kanji characters because of using some electronic machines And some people say that it is a serious problem, but the assertion is wrong.txt をダウンロードします。

It痴 said that young people in Japan are forgetting writing kanji characters because of using some electronic machines And some people say that it is a serious problem, but the assertion is wrong.txt をダウンロードする準備ができました。ダウンロードするファイルをお確かめください。

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ファイル It痴 said that young people in Japan are forgetting writing kanji characters because of using some electronic machines And some people say that it is a serious problem, but the assertion is wrong.txt
オリジナル It痴 said that young people in Japan are forgetting writing kanji characters because of using some electronic machines And some people say that it is a serious problem, but the assertion is wrong.txt
容量 862 B
日時 2013/12/20 16:49:54
ダウンロード 1
不審なファイルを報告 1. 管理人に報告 / 2. 運営に報告

利用規約に同意した上で、It痴 said that young people in Japan are forgetting writing kanji characters because of using some electronic machines And some people say that it is a serious problem, but the assertion is wrong.txt のダウンロードを続けるには「ダウンロード」ボタンを押下してください。ダウンロードが開始されます。

乾 広輔へ戻る

乾 広輔



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